LLMs need the best data
Up to1000
Find web data on
Cite high quality sources
Find papers, latest news, business reports, and more to supercharge your LLM.
AI without hallucinations
Exa provides LLMs with high-quality, relevant, and up-to-date information.
Q&A chatbot
Answer questions with real, relevant, and recent information
Company analyst
Generate a report of a company based on web data related to it
Bootstrap with some example tutorials
Built for any AI use case
Return exact entities
Instead of finding you ‘listicles’, Exa returns you the exact things you are looking for
Similarity search
Find similar companies, people, news etc. by searching with urls, full text, or snippets of content
Find many results
Make your research and analysis comprehensive with up to 1000 result per search
Other Search APIs
Number of results
Up to 1000
Up to 100
Filter options
Category (e.g. News, companies, PDFs, and more),
Domain, Dates and more...
Dates, Location
Similarity search
Content retrieval
Full text content + Most relevant highlights
Trusted by thousands of developers and companies
“Exa feeds our deep research AI, which helps sales people research their prospects. Without Exa's speed and quality over the web, this would be hard to pull off!”
“Models are only as good as the data they're trained on, and Exa's search allowed us to get high quality data we couldn't find any other way”
“Exa is good, really good. We went from multiple API calls and scraping into a single <1s fast call. The results are way different than traditional search, and way better. Our users love it!”
“Exa feeds our deep research AI, which helps sales people research their prospects. Without Exa's speed and quality over the web, this would be hard to pull off!”
“Models are only as good as the data they're trained on, and Exa's search allowed us to get high quality data we couldn't find any other way”
“Exa is good, really good. We went from multiple API calls and scraping into a single <1s fast call. The results are way different than traditional search, and way better. Our users love it!”